A Message From the Past

Everything is wild. Stocks are going from extremely high valuations to all time low valuations. How can one make sense of this? One of my favorite ways to find the signal in the noisiest of ...

Time to Tinker

The term convexity can be confusing. Convexity is based in mathematics and the technical definition will make your head spin. However, once you simplify it down to layman terms, it makes a lot more sense. ...

Sandbox Moats: Google’s Search Business

I’ve been thinking on my lack of a Google position lately. The more I look at it, YouTube is a monster with plenty of optionality and a dominant future. I tweeted about this recently and ...

Fear: What is it Good For?

World War 3 is here. Inflation is the highest it has been in 40 years. Interest rate hikes are coming. And on top of this, the market is still following memes and bumping shitcoins. Layer ...

Netflix: What Comes Next?

You can only have so much user growth for so long. At a certain point, growth will naturally slow. It seems like Netflix is hitting that point after weak guidance. What does that mean for ...

Too Hard Pile

My too hard to understand pile is pretty big, but I don’t throw enough stocks in the too hard pile. Teladoc is an awesome company with an awesome mission, but in reality I don’t understand ...

Peloton: SaaS Plus a Box or Boxed In?

The tides changed and Peloton was swimming naked. Or were they purposefully skinny-dipping? Let’s dive in and figure it out. Connected Fitness Products Sales dropped substantially, while costs rose substantially. Not a good combination. Let’s ...

22 Wild Predictions for 2022

I love wild predictions. I expect most of these will be wrong but at worst it is a fun thought exercise. Coinbase hits $700 Amazon stock hits $5,000 Opendoor continues to successfully scale business during ...

Brands to Watch

I love brands. They create pricing power and a moat for companies, which is an extremely powerful combination. The problem is, most of the time, the brand is priced in already. At times, the market ...

Looking For a Spark

I was giving my car a tune-up yesterday. I’m not super handy with cars, but I can change spark plugs, oil, etc… I stopped by an auto parts store, picked up new spark plugs and ...