The Optionality of Ethereum

I’m all kinds of torn on Ethereum. When you use it, it’s just silly. Paying $150 just to make a transaction is silly and sort of against the whole point of web3. Despite the extreme ...

On Buffett and Happiness

Money doesn’t make you happy, well at least for most people. I recently listened to The Snowball on the life of Warren Buffett. It wasn’t fully what I expected. I always just assumed Warren had ...

Buy and HODL

Seeing your portfolio cut in half makes you question some of your decisions. What if I hedged? What if I trimmed? What if I tried to sell the top? All of those questions would’ve made ...

Ignorance is Bliss

I stopped looking at my portfolio for a month. It was a form of tinkering. I set up DCAs, then just stepped back. I probably chose the right month to do this with WW3 fears ...

A Message From the Past

Everything is wild. Stocks are going from extremely high valuations to all time low valuations. How can one make sense of this? One of my favorite ways to find the signal in the noisiest of ...