5 (bad) Business Ideas

WARNING: These are very bad ideas. Don’t spend any money on them. That being said, bad ideas are good things. Bad ideas beget good ideas. I hope my stupid ideas lead someone to an actual ...

Bitcoin: Hedging with Upside

Twitter got hacked yesterday. Major accounts (Pres. Obama, Biden, Gates, Musk, etc…) were tweeting the below. Obviously, the hackers never doubled anyone’s bitcoin, but it did bring bitcoin back to the headlines. The hackers have ...

Spotify: The Aggregation Play

Spotify revolutionized the music industry.  They led the charge to streaming and changed the music industry.  Throughout this, Spotify gained massive user growth and significant market share.   Normally, massive user growth and significant market share ...

Stock Market Predictions

I’m not saying these will happen, but I do think the below predictions are more likely to happen than people believe. Where you see a gap between what you believe versus the market, its an ...

COVID-19 and a Rapidly Changing World

COVID-19 accelerated everything that was happening at scale.  E-commerce sales have grown steadily over the past 10 years, but growth over the next year, more growth will come.  The growth that took 10 years now ...