Right Time, Right (Market) Place?

I’ve been fascinated by Opendoor and iBuying for awhile now. Traditional real estate needed to be disrupted in favor of something more user friendly. iBuying provided an interesting opportunity. The problem with iBuying is the ...

The Problem with Netflix

Netflix had been consistently out performing for 10 years.. then fell off a cliff. Is this a buying opportunity? Let’s dive in. Netflix had been on a tear. They created their own category, then continued ...

The State of Crypto

Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall bankrupt everyone SBF (probably) Crypto is unravelling… fast. If you’ve been living under a crypto rock, FTX went ...

The Bull Case for Meta?

“Changing my name was meant to inspire and bring youth together all around the world.” Metta World Peace or Meta the company, I’m not really sure at this point Meta has so much that you’d ...