Dot Com 2.0: Going Rich, Not Bankrupt

The market is euphoric. Stupidity is at an all time high. Bears are screaming bubble, while bulls just keep pumping. Is this Dot Com 2.0? Who is right? A brief history of a few companies ...

Square: Out of the Box Financials

Initially, Square was just a credit card reader that attached to phones. Quickly, a hardware stand and app were added that turned an iPad into a point-of-sale system. Then Square really started to take off ...

Facebook: Bears and Game Theory

Instagram is more addictive than crack (I’m only sort of joking). Facebook is a dopamine company. From social media to gaming, Facebook is a constant stream of dopamine. Dopamine is an area of investing that ...

The Ultimate Form of Optionality

This presentation from Social Capital is a thing of beauty. Amazon analyzed where they were spending money, then found a better way to handle it. They vertically integrated those expenses into their business, then flipped ...