30 Lessons from 30 Years

I just turned 30. It’s been a wild decade. I found the love of my life, went from $12 per hour to $200k+ per year, got married, bought a house, started my blog and learned ...

Power to the People

Some ideas hit you like a freight train. They are so simple, yet complex. Explained in a sentence, but leading to profound conclusions. For me, power to the people is one of those ideas. Power ...

Regret Minimization: Fly High, Try not to Die

Sometimes a video is etched into your head. For me, an example of that was Jeff Bezos talking about the regret minimization framework. This video is amazing on multiple levels. Bezos almost didn’t start Amazon ...

What is a Mental Model?

Life is hard. We live in a dynamic world that is simultaneously interconnected and pulling apart. What if we had a better way to deal with all the complex issues facing us? Mental Models For ...

Netflixland: Autocatalytic Overreactions

I’m torn on Netflix. They are clearly a great company, but the content spend worries me. Billions of dollars are spent every year, but what will be the long-term benefit. From a surface glance, the ...