Why All Weather?

We live in a time of great unknown. After decades of declining interest rates, we’ve seen interest rates hiking faster than ever before bringing chaos to the markets. This has brought huge levels of unknown ...

Investing is Funny

Financial Twitter feels like Fed Twitter these days. Everyone is blaming interest rates for the market’s swings right now. I don’t think they are necessarily wrong, but it is a gross oversimplification. Everyone is putting ...

Jack is Whack(y): On Investing in Block

Block is a great company. Multiple great businesses all tied together with plenty of future growth possibilities. Jack is tough to discuss. People see whatever they want to. Bears see a crazy CEO who doesn’t ...

23 Predictions for 2023

Let’s make some reckless predictions. Not for any real reason, other than that they are fun. As you can see from last year, these bounce all over the place and some are terribly wrong.