Cheap Dopamine: Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop

Cheap dopamine is that little notification, the constantly refreshing newsfeed, the bad news porn, the winning bet. It’s addictive stimulation and instant gratification. It’s becoming easier and easier to get cheap dopamine. The reality is ...

Market Hormesis: Stay Chill

Since I learned what hormesis was, I’ve been fascinated with the idea. Hormesis is a beneficial biological effect comes from exposure to low doses of an agent that is toxic at higher doses. A basic ...

Marketplaces and Moats

I’m invested heavily in marketplaces ($AMZN, $ETSY, $FB, $SE, maaaybe $Z), which has led me to think heavily around how marketplaces work. Marketplaces are relatively simple: Marketplaces are two sided (buyers and sellers) Marketplaces connect ...