Netflix: Half Baked Thoughts
I don’t own Netflix stock. I’m not really interested in owning Netflix stock either. So why am I writing on it? I’ve publicly written on many of my favorite stocks. In time I will see ...
I don’t own Netflix stock. I’m not really interested in owning Netflix stock either. So why am I writing on it? I’ve publicly written on many of my favorite stocks. In time I will see ...
I’m a little nuts. I read too much zerohedge, then get a little nervous. I’m already anti-government to begin with, so sometimes I can get a little angsty. Today my angst revolves around inflation. But, ...
We look in the oddest places for great investments. From Pager Duty to Mohawk (or Aterian) investors look high and low for outsized returns. But sometimes great investments are hiding right in front of us. ...
The passion economy is booming. Elon is pumping Dogecoin. Influencer marketing is starting to take over. But what does this mean for the future? Certain individuals have outsized influence (due to large social followings). Like ...
I’m down for lolz. I make several dumb tweets a day. I posted these tweets within hours of each other. Let’s embrace the stupidity and see what we can learn. And boy is Dogecoin stupid. ...
Sea Limited is swimming in optionality—a three headed monster that is evolving. Growing three businesses remarkably fast, while still investing in other areas. Can their rapid gains continue? Or will they drown in a sea ...
What is a mental model? A mental model is tool used to help you understand the underlying reality. Why do we need mental models? Life is complicated and often doesn’t make sense, but mental models ...
Barnes & Noble knew Amazon was dangerous. They had a choice to make. Do they dilute their profits by competing in the low margin/high cost e-commerce business? Barnes & Noble made the decision to enter ...
The internet is evolving, yet trust is at an all time low. But don’t worry, Bitcoin is here to save the day. A Brief History Bitcoin was created by someone with the alias of Satoshi ...
I recently came across some articles speaking ill of optionality. I was triggered. Optionality is one of my favorite ideas and I see it applied everywhere, from sports to investing. Simply put, optionality is low ...