Investment Idea: Lebron James NFTs

I’ve always had a soft spot for Wendy’s. When Kobe was retiring, any road games he was playing was a circus. Yet, someone in the Bucks marketing department thought it was a good idea to ...

A Sirius Squeeze

I love weird things. Whether it be food or stocks, they just catch my attention. One of the weird stocks I’ve been watching is $SIRI. As you can see, the price action here has been ...

Five Ideas Stuck in My Head

Sometimes an idea gets stuck in your head. Not necessarily a good idea, but an idea nonetheless. The thing I love about ideas is that they don’t have to be good, they just have to ...

Bearly Thinking: On Lying Timeframes

I fall down bear holes like anyone else. Whether it be China / Taiwan relationships, historical valuation comparisons or anything else, it’s easy to over analyze or extrapolate something that doesn’t need to be. The ...

Spotify and the Audiobook Dilemma

I love audiobooks, but Audible is sort of a pain. A subscription for credits just doesn’t make that much sense. I’m a big fan of Libby, but it’s not necessarily simple and has a limited ...

Lessons Learned from Stitchfix

Learning from your past mistakes is the best way to learn. The beauty of having a blog is that you can revisit your thoughts at the time. Let’s revisit one of my main mistakes. The ...

The Problem With Complexity

Complexity can be alluring. It can seem that complexity brings potential of higher returns, tax savings, increased flexibility or even reduced risk. Unfortunately, complexity begets itself. Complexity Breeds Complexity The problem with complexity is that ...

Bad Ideas: Roku Enters Gaming

I think Roku should enter the gaming market. Let’s dive into the pros/cons of what this would mean. Why Gaming? If Roku can prove out their business model (hard ware at or below cost, then ...

The Mental Model You Need: Bayesian Thinking

I’ve been increasingly seeing people being prisoners of the moment. Whatever is happening now is the truth. A great example of this is the NBA playoffs right now. After 3 games of the Eastern Conference ...