U Done F’d Up: Market Confessions
I’ve done a lot of stupid things this year. Here is a list of just dumb things I did in the market.
- Trimmed $SQ before a massive run (to buy $TWTR)
- Trimmed $SFIX before a massive run
- Trimmed $PINS before a massive run
- Sold my $GRWG call options far too early (missed out on at least $3k gains)
- Sold my $CCL puts in early March vs early April (missed out on at least $5k gains)
- Traded $ETSY call options right around earnings and got crushed by volatility
- Bought $AMZN call options with the wrong strike date (good bye $800)
- I check my Robinhood far too often
I think it’s important to recognize these mess ups. I post my results, good or bad. Lately, it has been mostly good, but that doesn’t mean I can’t learn from my mistakes.
What have I learned? Let my winners run, don’t get too anxious and start trimming early. I buy companies I trust (for the most part, exception $GRWG), so I need to trim less, buy more. I need to get better at options or stop trading them. DO NOT trade options around earnings, no matter how smart you think you are. The tough answer might be that I am a buy and hold investor and I should act like one. All of my mistakes come from improper activity. I might need to cool it with options and just keep buying quality stocks.