Amazon: Turning Weaknesses into Revenue
I bought Amazon for the first time. I’m not sure why I never bought before. If anyone asked me what my favorite stock was, I would say Spotify or Amazon. I own $30k of Spotify ...
I bought Amazon for the first time. I’m not sure why I never bought before. If anyone asked me what my favorite stock was, I would say Spotify or Amazon. I own $30k of Spotify ...
Zillow is a different kind of investment. I don’t think they quite know what they are doing. That happens when you are on the vanguard. Zillow Offers on the surface is stupid. Volatile inventory within ...
I’ve owned twitter stock. I’ve sold twitter stock. It is a complicated relationship. I just can’t hang onto the stock, something always shakes me. Then, two months later I am back in. The metrics (mDau ...
Twitter got hacked yesterday. Major accounts (Pres. Obama, Biden, Gates, Musk, etc…) were tweeting the below. Obviously, the hackers never doubled anyone’s bitcoin, but it did bring bitcoin back to the headlines. The hackers have ...
Spotify revolutionized the music industry. They led the charge to streaming and changed the music industry. Throughout this, Spotify gained massive user growth and significant market share. Normally, massive user growth and significant market share ...