Why I’m Thankful for Being Fat

My work is on fire (thanks inflation!), a lot of the stocks I own are cratering and I’m fat. Yet, I’m thankful for all of these things. Let me explain why:

  1. My work is on fire – It isn’t a fun time where I work right now. Everyone is drowning with work. I’m in charge of pricing, inventory and budgeting. The supply chain is wreaking havoc on our inventory, inflation is causing chaos in our pricing department and then we are trying to find a way to budget for all of this next year. I’m thankful for all of this. The obstacle is the way, these challenges make us stronger. Confronting this environment early in my career will help me decide whether the corporate life is for me. If the corporate life is for me, I’ve helped see them through one of the toughest times we’ve seen.
  2. Stocks are cratering – From $PTON to $ZM, my portfolio has been hit pretty hard. It’s a blessing in disguise. These companies didn’t dramatically change in the past couple months, but their valuations did. I should be excited to get the same company for cheaper. I’m playing the long term game.
  3. I’m fat. I’ve slowly gained a lot of weight. I’m truly putting the FAT in Fat Baby. How can being fat be something I’m thankful for? Well, because I’m able to live a life of excess. I eat too much and drink too much. I live like a king. While living like a king is fun, it isn’t healthy. I’ve accepted that and publicly challenged myself to lose 20 lbs in the next 6 months. If I don’t make it, I’ll donate $50 for every lb missed to a charity of the internets choosing.

I’ve got a lot more to actually be thankful for, but even the bad stuff is secretly good stuff. The obstacle is the way.

Author: fatbabyfunds