What I Learned in 2020

Everyone can agree that 2020 was a dumpster fire, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t learn from it.


Systems prevent entropy… what systems are you setting up to prevent entropy? Entropy can come in many forms. It can come in your relationships, in your body or your mind. I’ve stopped going to the gym due to the pandemic, but I have built up my home gym. Getting my lifting and cardio in helps prevent the decay of my body. My plan for 2021 is a combination of lifting, yoga and boxing. I’ve continued to keep up my relationships through the pandemic, some even have been strengthened. For my mind, it is really writing, reading and finding new ways to create content on Twitter/this blog. I try to tweet 10 – 20 times per day, mostly original thoughts. I then take those and try to write two blogs per week. Entropy is a key idea that I will start applying to my life and understanding of the world going forward.


This was a tough year for everyone. At a minimum, your social life was destroyed. And that was the best case scenario. But given these new areas, did you crumble with the rest of society or find a new way to be reborn? Personally, I started this blog and my @fatbabyfunds Twitter. My social life may be shot, but at least I can still network and think. When backed into a corner, don’t give up. Find something, even if it is sub optimal.

Importance of Writing

In 2020, I’ve learned the importance and difficulty of writing. Nothing is more elegant than well written prose. Writing is timeless. I’ve never been much of a writer and it probably shows. Right now, I am only trying to convey the ideas in my head. However, just the act of converting ideas from your head into text is clarifying. I’m going to keep learning and improving (hopefully). Right now, this blog is mostly for me, but I hope to start creating more value for you. To start, I’ve bought The Elements of Style. Let me know if you have any other tips.

2020 In Review

2020 was a great year financially for me, but I more view it as an inflection point than anything else. Hopefully 2021 brings brighter times, but either way, I’m going to keep learning and adapting.

Author: fatbabyfunds